
Saturday, May 12, 2007

History of Bboyin

Breakdancing generally is not compiled and really improvisational, allowed the merging of many elements to be different. Basic routine possibly including toprock, the transition inside downrock, an exhibition of the power moved, and finally the freezing or the suicide not the anticlimax. Toprock referred to the step rope that was done from the position stood, any relied on the co-ordination mixture, keluesan, the style, and very important, the rhythm. It was usually that was first and foremost opened the exhibition of the style, and that served as warm-onto for the transition into more acrobatic the manoeuvre.In the difference menyolok, downrock put all the movements foot that was carried out on the floor as in 6-step. Downrock is usually done with the hands and foot on the floor. In downrock, breakdancer showed him or his skill with the speed foot and the control by carrying out the combination of the movement foot. This combination usually the transition is in the more athletic step known as the step in the authority. The step in the authority referred in the step that needed the momentum and the physical power to carry out. In the step in the authority, breakdancer relied more often was upper the strength of the sole body of the upper part to dance, used him or his hands to carry out the step. The power moved including the windmill, struck, and the flame. Because the step in the authority was physically seizing power time and attention, breakdancers used them as the show of force of the upper part and resistance of the sole body. Many steps were borrowed from gymnastics, like the flame, and war literature, with the acrobat's impressive gymnastics like the butterfly kick. The freezing dismissed all the movements in the stylish pose. The freezing that more was difficult needed breakdancer to make dependent personally or personally came out of the strength of the sole body of the upper part used that pounded, in the pose like berjungkir or the pique fish. Whereas the freezing referred in one pose, locked [3] covered the sharp transition between the series of the freezing.


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